

6 Ways to Make the Perfect Fitness Studio Website in 2022

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53% of mobile users abandon sites that take over 3 seconds to load. The average time spent on it by a visitor is 15 seconds.

Let that sink in. 

Now as for you, do you have a website? Yes of course you do. 

But it’s slow, it’s confusing, it lags, and it hardly defines you. That poor design template, it costs like hell, still nothing on it ever really comes together. You feel stuck in the 2000s era.

Is this the welcoming space you dreamed for your studio?

If you own a fitness studio, chances are you’re not too techy. Probably you got someone to do the geeky stuff for you. But now you have no idea how to keep the website up and running. One small change and the whole thing comes crashing down. The recurring cost of maintaining it is drilling a hole in your revenue bucket.

Even after much thought if you decide upon paying a website designer, there’s always that insecurity of ending up with undesirable or unprofessional work. 

Building a website as a solopreneur isn’t easy. You already have tons of stuff to look after. There are classes to manage, students to teach, a whole business to manage.

Still, your fitness studio website stands as the core virtual asset for your studio. It is something you just can’t ignore. If you feel like it’s going to be an uphill battle getting the website game right, don’t worry, it’s not that tough.

Here are some tips on what a great fitness studio website should look like and what it can do for your business.

01. Look & Feel

Have you ever entered a place and found it a little uneasy? Not fitting your mood? Seemingly dull and off. 

On the other hand, there are some other places that uplift and inspire you with an absolutely amazing aura!

Your fitness website works in a similar way. It is an online representation of your fitness studio. That temple where your disciples are warmly welcomed. Where they can figure out where to go and what to do.

The website’s temperament is defined by the 'look and feel' that you choose. No it’s not just some common template, the look and feel constitute your brand image.  

From the mere color code, the stock images, the crazy fonts right up to your logo, typography, and banners, everything is a part of the message you’re trying to send across. 

Color psychology in itself can play a huge role. For instance:

  • Red gives a sense of excitement, love, and passion.  
  • Green represents nature and serenity.  
  • Blue sends out vibes of purity and trust.
  • Yellow radiates vibrancy and goodwill. 
Space Bodymind Consulting's home page with a clean and peaceful design

Therefore you must get your studio website design and color correct, so people can instantly sense your studio’s presence by simply looking at your online website. 

02. Home Page v/s Landing Page

Home Page is where your visitors end up after clicking a search result on Google.

Landing Page is where you land your customer via a special link to convert them for an offer.

Home Page has several purposes. It can showcase your studio’s story, lead the visitors to your various services and brief them about pricing. Home Pages must be diverse, they should include bars and tabs and links that can help visitors navigate wherever they want to.

Landing Page on the contrary has a singular purpose. To land your visitor from a promotional link straight to an offer that persuades them to sign up for a trial, book a class, or share their contact details.

That is the reason why your landing page must be persuasive and drive the user towards trying your product or service. 

It can have a service offering, the pricing, a discount incentive, a sign up form and the CTA* button.

*Call To Action (CTA): Words that urge the reader to take immediate action like Write Now, Call Now, Click Here, etc. CTA content should initiate an act. It can be a simple piece of copy that evokes curiosity,

03. Drives Class Bookings

All the marketing struggle you undertake via social media has a single focal point, your website.

If marketing doesn’t generate website traffic, and traffic doesn’t lead to conversion, then it leads us nowhere. Because your ideal purpose as a studio is to increase bookings and enhance revenue. So ask yourself this -> how do I get traffic to my website that converts.

An attractive website will certainly help boost up conversion rates i.e the number of people who buy your service after visiting your website. 

Think about it yourself. Say you wish to purchase milk at a supermarket. What will you do to achieve that?

  • First of all, you would be driven by the need to drink milk
  • You think of the possible supermarkets
  • You drive and enter one such supermarket
  • You look for the desired product i.e. milk
  • You compare its different variants
  • You check their different prices
  • You make a choice out of them
  • You look for the checkout line
  • You make a purchase and make an exit
Soul Movement Yoga's web-integration with class schedule for online bookings powered by bookee

This is similar to the process a visitor goes through from the very moment she decides to visit your website up till she makes an actual purchase.

If your website doesn’t attract her sufficiently, it would end the customer conversion cycle right at the first step. That’s why a good website is so important, it initiates the whole process.

Once you’ve got the person in, interested customers should be taken to the payment page as quickly as possible. 

What this means is for you to showcase your service, your pricing, and lead them to the payment gateway as fast and as persuasively as possible.

The idea is to minimize barriers in the whole customer conversion process. That is the core principle to driving up your client bookings. 

04. Be Neat & Simple

If you are a fitness studio, chances are that your ideal customer is seeking some resolution in their personal lives be it some kind of transformation and lifestyle shift. 

But if just looking at your website makes them feel chaotic and instills a sense of orthodox rigidity, there is a lesser likelihood of them going ahead with you.

Sure your course can be life-transforming but if it doesn’t look that way from the initial imprints, your sales will go down, and that’s a misfortune because your service is so great!

What this means is for you to adopt a minimalistic and neat outlook for your website. There are only a few essential pages that you need to generate the right traffic i.e. customers with high conversion possibility.

Too many options can create clutter and confusion. Everything has to be precisely where it needs to be on the website and devised for smooth navigation from one link to another.

Too little options on the other hand can create an emptiness. It would render your website futile if you cannot present to your visitor the complete assortment of your services. 

In our recommendation, the navigation tabs should stay as simple as:

  • Home
  • About us
  • Classes/events
  • Schedule
  • Pricing
  • Signup
Function PCP's fitness website with multiple pages like booking & pricing, powered by bookee

Some other website pointers to keep in check:

  • Use widgets to dress up your website. But make sure they do not appear disconnected.
  • Scheduling options can be embedded into the website itself instead of using a third party integration.
  • You can link your newsletter opt-in to your website to keep visitors aware of the latest updates and offers.
  • Free trial or passes can also be used to increase the chances of new visitors giving your services a try
  • Online payments should be seamless so your students can easily sign up for your class and pay you online. 

Getting a visitor to pay up for a class is necessary for it increases his or her commitment to actually visit your studio and attend it once they have used up the free trial.

05. Ultimate Mobile-Web Experience

Not every studio website is optimised to offer a great mobile experience. There are chances that a mobile version doesn’t even exist. Here are some common issues that users can face:

  • Mobile version is a shrink down version of the desktop site
  • You have to zoom in to navigate through it.
  • Images crack up and appear unequally sized.
  • Certain media types just don’t run, say a video, or a gif.
Bookee offers you an end-to-end website integration that assures the user a great experience both on their desktop and every mobile platform. 

One less thing to worry about!

06. Great Website Copy

Writing website content is completely different from other writing forms. Your copy has to be compelling and persuasive. It should evoke interest. It should be attractive. It should be neat and concise. 

The copy should be such that it invites more and more students to join your class and make them feel a part of your fitness program. What it should not do is to create an uneasy sense of a product or service being pushed down the visitor’s throat.

The idea here is to sell without appearing to do so. 

Summing It Up

The whole point of your website is to create an environment, to speak to your visitor on a one-to-one basis.

What matters is for you to connect on an emotional level and help people understand what is your value offering and why they should be paying that price to avail it.

All in all, a good website can cut a lot of administrative slack for you. It can drive up sales, reduce administration, and spread your brand value across endless boundaries.

We can thereby sum up that a powerful online presence is therefore a precedent to future leads and retained customers. 

Think of it as your own individual adobe. Think of the confidence a good website can bring.

Think of the services you can offer. Think of the sign-ups you can get.

Think of representing what your studio stands for. Think of saying what you have to say.

Think of your own Fitness Studio Website.

Need a great fitness website that drives more bookings? Bookee offers you highly optimized & attractive website integration that seamlessly fits into your existing design. 

  • Boost conversion rates by making your website more discoverable
  • Offer a great booking experience to your customers
  • Make it simple for them to sign-up and pay for your services
  • Makes visitors feel premium, curious and compelled by your online fitness brand

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