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🌉 Introducing CreditBridge! Book classes using future credits.

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Hey there,

Naj from Bookee Insider here, and I've got some fantastic news for you and your clients.

You know those recurring memberships your clients love? Well, there was a little hiccup. Clients using them couldn't book ahead of their next billing date.

It's a bummer because it meant they couldn't secure their favorite classes or preferred appointment slots. Waiting for the next billing date just isn't fun, and it often meant missing out on those coveted spots.

But that's not all. This limitation had some not-so-great consequences:

  1. It discouraged clients from booking as much as they wanted.
  2. Fewer bookings meant fewer visits per member on average.
  3. And, ultimately, this could impact your revenue retention.

So, we knew we had to fix this. We introduced a feature called "book ahead of the expiration date." It was a game-changer, allowing clients to use credits from the current cycle to book ahead of their next billing date. It worked like a charm for memberships with unlimited credits.

But here's the catch. For memberships with limited credits (like, say, 8 classes per month), clients often didn't have any credits left to book ahead of their billing date.

That's where CreditBridge comes in.

Introducing CreditBridge

CreditBridge is the solution your clients have been waiting for. It allows clients on recurring memberships to book classes and appointments ahead of their next billing date, using the credits from the next billing cycle. Yep, it's as awesome as it sounds.

Why CreditBridge?

We believe that nothing should stand in the way of your clients booking as many classes as they desire. With CreditBridge, they can seamlessly dip into credits from their next cycle, ensuring their bookings remain uninterrupted.

Happy clients make for a happy business, and CreditBridge is here to make everyone happy.

How to Use It?

Getting started with CreditBridge is a breeze:

  1. Head to Advanced Settings for subscriptions with fixed credits.
  2. Toggle "Use Credits from Next Cycle" on.

That's it! Your clients can now see future cycle credits in action when they book a class or appointment. No need for them to keep tabs – the customer profile handles it all.

So here's to happier clients and uninterrupted bookings. It's a win-win.



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